Wednesday, December 10, 2014

When the UN Lost All Authority Audio

Published on Dec 10, 2014

The UN lost all authority in the eyes of God (Allah) back in 1980 with the false flag Psy-Ops of the Iranian Shah, which was to distract from the atrocities the UN was funding and condoning in Bosnia against little children and young girls who were taken as sex slaves and tortured to death to maintain their silence...Those spirits of those kids now form an invisible army against the UN and all of its agendas.
Now, the UN intends to take guns from Americans to do to them what they're doing to nations overseas, which is loose the criminal and terrorist element on the unarmed people to "cull the herd".


Abomination Prayer Prophecy Fulfilled Audio

Published on Dec 9, 2014

The "prayer of abomination" prophecy was fulfilled when the Pope had the Muslim/Islamic infidel leaders join him for the day of prayer. Understand how it's an affront to God (Allah) and sacrilege against HIM to approach Him in prayer, directly, without the protective "covering" of the application of the forgiveness provided by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ/Joshua (the SON of God-Allah).
"infidel" is described by God (Allah) as anyone who accepts Him while not accepting His Son (Jesus Christ/Joshua)...
They approach God without the Key of David (Jesus Christ/Joshua) which, in a sense, is like trespassing in the presence of God (Allah)....without the acceptance of Christ as God's Son and His sacrifice, they approach God (Allah) illegally and piss Him off.
You'll notice that the Pope met with Obama and then felt so guilty afterwards that he had to enter confession and attempt to "absolve" himself of the things he agreed to before he could continue on in his public duties...This was like a coded cry for help to anyone, including God, who could see what was happening. It was lost on most who witnessed it. Then, immediately afterwards, the Pope has Muslim/Islamic infidels joining him in "prayer".
Praying without the acceptance of Christ as the Son of God (Allah) is an abomination and sacrilegious. Just as it's sacrilegious to regard a mere man (like Muhammad) as a higher authority than Jesus Christ/Joshua, who is the SON of God (Allah) and IS God Allah in the flesh. Their infidel religion is a religion of "man" worship, not God worship, and that's why they attached so many curses to themselves and their land.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Satanism As A Holy Convocation - Living In A Hologram/Premonition

Published on Jun 16, 2014 

Satanism As A Holy Convocation - Living In A Hologram/Premonition/Spirit Scan...the captions from youtube will be horribly erroneous, for that I apologize on behalf of youtube, since they'll fail to develop any conscience about it.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Ill Effects Of Misrepresentation

Published on Jun 10, 2014

Some meanderings on the ill effects and ripple effects of misrepresentation across the board. God, Christ, Lucifer, myself and my wife all have misrepresentation by others who claim to know or love us in common, which kinda binds me to them in a weird way.
Comments are disabled to keep the troll activity to a minimum. They can display their diminished capacity elsewhere.


How To Know If They're Controlled

Published on Jun 3, 2014

How To Know If They're "Controlled"


Homophobia Is A Greater Sin Than Homosexuality

Published on May 19th, 2014

Homophobia Is A Greater Sin Than Homosexuality...homophobia must be shared and therefore molests the minds of others, as well as victimizes the object of the homophobic bullying. Homosexuality can be kept private and never negatively effect anyone at all, making it the lesser offense, hands down.
Homophobes and bullies are controlled by the same shitworm spirits that control the pedophiles and rapists.
Meandering about how the mainstream media is mind-molesting children by exposing them to sexually charged content that previous generations protected them from. How trading talent for sexuality desecrated the music industry and the integrity of the American mainstream media and devalued the very concept of fame, in general. The supremacy of older music being in that it never exposes children to subject matter not yet suitable for them. This is all part of the pedophilic mainstream agenda, making it all acceptable "norms" to force adult sexuality and sexual issues into the young developing minds of innocent children.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dope-Hoes Are Slaves Not Prostitutes

Published on May 5, 2014

Dope-Hoes Are Slaves Not Prostitutes...just some meanderings on the differences between dope-hoes and real hoes and some other dumb stuff from experience, killing time.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Spirit Of Molestation

Published on May 2, 2014

The Spirit Of Molestation; the Dangers of Not knowing who you are or COULD be (because they're on the move as if you could be lethal if awakened); Lucifer's Imminent Great work for God; What they don't want you to know; Lithium Overdoses; The Sun Rising In the West; Not disputing those who're not directly against us who may ultimately benefit the Kingdom of God in the long run; and a bunch of other mindless meanderings to waste time while waiting for my driver.


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rivaling Rahab the Prostitute's Level of Dedication/Commitment & Faith video embed

Published on Apr 24, 2014

Rivaling Rahab the Prostitute's Level of Dedication/Commitment and Faith...I eventually talk about this subject a little bit after all of the mindless meandering. I got distracted with all of the troll-bashing and other stuff.

 You don't find too many people who can rival the level of commitment exemplified by a prostitute that made the nation of Israel an eventual possibility.

 When Rahab committed to participate in taking down Canaan, she was still a prostitute. The Hebrews chickened-out, due to the Canaanites being so big, and opted not to cross the river. They left the opposing river bank and retreated back into the desert, only to return 40 years later under the more violently aggressive rule of Joshua and his minions. By this time, Rahab was a successful business owner and her company fabricated various forms of flax and fabrics on an industrial level. Rahab was still committed to her oath to the Hebrews, even after 40 years had passed...

 The flax was still hanging from her window, 40 years later, and her house was spared the carnage of the hostile takeover.
 Moses was disobedient when charged with standing down the cowards, which costed the Hebrews an additional 40 years in the desert and the loss of the cowardly, programmed-to-submission generation. So Moses was not allowed to go to the Promised Land and was only able to see the takeover from the vantage point of a nearby mountain.
 Rahab was more ready for action and willing to do what God wanted of her than Moses was. She was merely a prostitute at the time and he was a judge, a priest, a prophet, and a liberator of God's Chosen people. Moses wrote laws for the people to abide by in the Promised Land. But Rahab, the prostitute, made it possible for them to conquer God's enemies and take possession of the land. So, without the prostitute, the laws would've been worthless, governing a people who were not a people who had no land of their own...

 God used a prostitute to grant the Promised Land to His chosen people as a statement. It's a statement that the religionists and "theologians" have worked hard to blot out and distract from due to their own male chauvinism and bigotry (they think they're "better" than prostitutes even though God never used them for anything near as enormous or historical, nor will He, due to their whack mentality).

 So, the lesson here is that, just when you think you're "all that" in the plan of God and you're doing some great thing for Him, there's a longstanding historical reference of how a prostitute's faith and perseverance already outdid you and made granting of a nation to God's people possible on Earth...The prostitute was effective hands through which God/Allah could get things done...Moses didn't match her tenacity and, chances are, neither have you...I'll admit that I don't, nor have I, ever. I'm like so many common products of this "instant gratification" generation (the "iGeneration"), I give-up too easily.
 I'm common. Moses was common. Rahab was not common. She was rare and unique and proof that God will use whomever HE pleases, regardless of what some holier-than-thou, bigoted, ineffective hypocrites may think or have to say about it.

 Israel exists due to Rahab. Irrefutable FACT.



Lucifer Won't Like The Change In Food and Atmosphere - Better Change It Back Quick! video embed

Published on Apr 16, 2014

Lucifer Won't Like The Change In Food and Atmosphere - Better Change It Back Quick! Lucifer is gonna remember how food tasted when he was here and he's not gonna like what's been done to it. He'll also be pissed about the change in the atmosphere. It'd be a good idea to change it all back, quick, before he gets back here pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah for the Tribulation.
Let's have a reign by a nice, happy Jesus. Not by an angry Jesus who's chasing shitworm-spirit controlled dictators and tyrants from offices of power like the real Christ chased dishonest money changers from the temple.
The government Lucifer is to reign with is one that liberates, provides for, and endears the population, NOT a deranged tyrannical government that subjugates them. Any government or official defying the proper parameters to rule with Lucifer as he pretends to be Christ, the Messiah, will be overpowered and dethroned....fact, not fiction.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Crazy Sh!t, Like Mind Control, Mad Scientists, TI's and Other Dumb Stuff From TI Perspective

Published on Apr 7, 2014
Talking Crazy Sh!t, Like "Thought Police", Mind Control, Mad Scientists, TI's and Other Dumb Stuff From TI relationships, seeing through the eyes of others, collective thought transferal, experimentation run amok and out of control, mobbing, gang stalking, sabotage, etc.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

1 & Only Way Marijuana Is A Gateway Drug

Published on Apr 6, 2014
The 1 & Only Way Marijuana Is A Gateway Drug is by closing the gateway to marijuana (making it unavailable), then the gateway is opened to all other drugs that are readily available...and, even worse, alcohol.
Then, I digress into some ranting and meanderings on gang stalking and mobbing my wife and I have endured and how it's negatively effected our lives, the lives of others, and the surroundings. The dangers of trying to interact with Targeted Individuals under control of malicious "handlers" who may not respond kindly to trying to liberate one of their "subjects", who they may have running around in circles on wild goose chases for entertainment, or sheer meanness, or to flex their muscles that "their" TIs cannot be awakened nor liberated.
How hard it is: Watching TIs be sabotaged from within their inner circles by those who're supposed to be "for" (rather than "against") them due to them not realizing that they are being externally motivated (and in some cases, downright controlled) by shitworm-spirit controlled life-pirates who feed on the failure, desolation, and misery of others.
Hinting at: The silent blood sport the zombified are obscured from seeing, even while being victimized by it, and often while being the unwitting "stars" of the "nonexistent" "show".
Just another crazy rant that'll go into the Unlisted playlist soon.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

All Christians Are Monsters

Published on Mar 21, 2014
All Christians Are Monsters...just stating facts from my own long life experience. None can dispute the undeniable facts and only retards would try, and stupidity has the negative effect on me of running my blood pressure up, so comments will be disabled again.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Unfulfilled BucketList Due To Christian Induced Suicide

Published on Mar 4, 2014
Unfulfilled BucketList Due To Christian Induced final video about the retardation of stuck-up hypocrites disguising themselves as children of God and how it's made me willing to die just to get away from them. Sharing a reoccurring motivating dream about the magic pool and the angels bringing the spirit of visitation and how the other entities there were reluctant to dip in it during the visitation and then I died.

Reinforcing Negative Karmic Energy Reciprocation On Bullies

Published on Mar 3, 2014
Reinforcing Negative Karmic Energy Reciprocation On Bullies, from the spirit realm, starting with the vile children of the corn who bullied my wife. Sharing how bullying of my wife in her evil little town vexed my spirit and how I'm reacting to it from the spiritual realm, as well as how I'll spoof some of them with a satire music act that's geared towards combating their blatant retardation, homophobia, and bullying. Women who're jealous of other women tend to bully them. People who were molested will often bully others. No one "whole" resorts to bullying nor do they condone it, encourage it, participate in it, or think it's funny. Bullying is a form of molestation of the bullied, acting out from a dark, molested place within the bully. Bullying is evidence of an empty soul, devoid of all positive external motivation, and of being controlled by the shitworms who molest the minds of the bullies to make them do their bidding. Bullies are always inferior to those they bully (fact).
Now I send bigger bully spirits than the Earth-roaming bullies to stalk the bullies to take advantage of every opportunity to consume their lives and souls and the same goes for all who like them or encourage their infantile behavior. The only time bullying can be condoned is when a bully is being bullied in return for his/her/their own, bully to you, Bullies. .it's comin'.

Lucifer's Supremacy Over God Is Evident In "Fruit" Quality

Published on Feb 27, 2014
Lucifer's Supremacy Over God Is Evident In the Quality of the "Fruit" produced by them.

Monday, February 24, 2014

White Christians = White Devils - White Christianity = White Devilism

Published on Feb 22, 2014
White Christians = White Devils - White Christianity = White Devilism



Thursday, February 20, 2014

The "Alien" Noise: Subliminal SubTones/Frequencies In Media

Published on Feb 20, 2014
The "Alien" Noise: Subliminal SubTones/Frequencies In Media, the dual's back.



Monday, February 17, 2014

Christians R Monsters In Jehovah's Image So Lucifer Is God

Published on Feb 17, 2014
Christians Are Monsters Made In Jehovah's Image, which proves that Lucifer Must Be God...knowing Entities by their "fruit" and using life experience as valid examples. Testing Spirits. Bad fruit. Withered fig tree, dried-up generation. Following "God" into traps, wasting away precious years, stuck in horrible deserts, surrounded by an inferior demographic no longer seen as "human" nor possessing the potential to be "equal".


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lying Luciferians/Satanists Can NOT Make a Pact With An Incarcerated Entity!

Lying Luciferians/Satanists Can NOT Make a Pact With An Incarcerated Entity! Lucifer has been incarcerated in God's realm with a revoked inter-dimensional pass for a little more than 2,000 years now. When he's released, he'll return to Earth pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah. So the Luciferians and Satanists who associate him to evil are defying his imminent conjoined end time agenda with God. They're counterproductive and perpetuate frauds based on lies and fairytales. For example: They don't have a clue that the Black Bible was NOT inspired nor condoned by Satan or that Aleister Crowley was a clueless charlatan who never communicated with Satan. Anyone who's communicated with Lucifer would know that he's been unable to communicate with, nor externally motivate/instigate, humans (or their behavior) for 2,000 years now. Their lack of this basic knowledge is evidence that they're phonies who either don't know or just don't care about the facts/truth about Lucifer (so their hearts are not truly with him any more than a Rapture Delusion Believing "Christian" has a heart united with Christ).
Sorry to hafta to pull their blankies off, but it's getting redundant with all of the associating Satan to evil he can NOT do nor instigate due to his current incarceration in another dimension. No one alive has ever made a pact with Satan nor have they ever been possessed by true devils (fallen angels), because they were also incarcerated, years ago, and will return with Lucifer when he imitates Christ pretending to be his "angels" the Earth women will throw themselves at.



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