Published on Apr 16, 2014
Lucifer Won't Like The Change In Food and Atmosphere - Better Change It Back Quick! Lucifer is gonna remember how food tasted when he was here and he's not gonna like what's been done to it. He'll also be pissed about the change in the atmosphere. It'd be a good idea to change it all back, quick, before he gets back here pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah for the Tribulation.
Let's have a reign by a nice, happy Jesus. Not by an angry Jesus who's chasing shitworm-spirit controlled dictators and tyrants from offices of power like the real Christ chased dishonest money changers from the temple.
The government Lucifer is to reign with is one that liberates, provides for, and endears the population, NOT a deranged tyrannical government that subjugates them. Any government or official defying the proper parameters to rule with Lucifer as he pretends to be Christ, the Messiah, will be overpowered and dethroned....fact, not fiction.